Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment Brisbane, Carina

Root Canal Treatment Brisbane, Carina At Carina Gardens Dental

Root canal treatment is also known as endodontic therapy and is a standard treatment used to remove infection and restore function to a tooth. Once thought of as a painful process, root canal treatment is the best way to remove pain from an infected tooth and save it from extraction. Our team of dental professionals at Carina Gardens Dental are highly skilled and experienced with root canal treatments and strives to keep our patients comfortable during the entire visit.

layered structure

Anatomy of a Tooth

Anatomy Of A Tooth At Carina, Brisbane, Carina Gardens Dental

layered structure

Anatomy of a Tooth

Your tooth is a layered structure composed of various types of dental tissues. The part you brush is the hard, calcified tissue called enamel. Within the enamel is the dentin and then the pulp. The gums surround and support the tooth as it provides nourishment to the root through the many blood vessels.

Sometimes bacteria can damage the enamel and create a hole called a cavity. While we might think of a cavity as forming in the centre of the crown, that is not always the case. Cavities can hide in the nooks and crannies of the dental crown, allowing infection to spread deep into the tooth and root. Because of the many nerves in the tooth root, a patient can experience great pain or toothache as the infection takes over. These are some of the more common scenarios that allow bacteria to hide and infection to begin:

Hidden cavities
Cracked teeth
Tooth trauma

Deteriorated dental filling

remove the infection

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment Near Carina, Brisbane, Carina Gardens Dental

remove the infection

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is the only way to remove the infection and the pain of the infected tooth. During this restorative dental treatment, the infected pulp and the nerves are removed, and then the root canal is cleaned and disinfected. The root canal can now be filled with a permanent material to protect the root from further damage and infection.

To further protect the root and the damaged tooth, a crown may be used to cover and strengthen the tooth. Your new dental crown will look, feel and function like a natural tooth so you can get on with your life pain-free.

Our Happy Patient

Maria H.

Staff at Carina Gardens Dental did a fantastic job. They were friendly, professional, and very helpful. Highly recommend if looking for a dentist.

Maria H.

Signs You May Need It

Do You Need Root Canal Treatment?

If you have a toothache or cavity, our dentists will identify the damage and the source of pain. X-rays will help determine if the tooth root is infected and reveal the shape of your tooth root, making it easy for precision cleaning. The most common way to tell if you need root canal treatment is a toothache that doesn’t get better, even with over-the-counter medications. Here are some other indications that root canal treatment may be necessary:

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Severe jaw or tooth pain
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Sensitive, damaged tooth
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An area of dark gums
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Gum abscess

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Gum disease with tooth pain

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Pain or sensitivity in a tooth with an old cavity
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Swollen, painful gums in one area of the mouth
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Extremely worn tooth that is sensitive

what to expect

Root Canal Treatment at Carina Gardens Dental

When you come to Carina Gardens Dental for root canal treatment, we will first do a thorough exam and diagnostics to find the infection so we can clear and stop it from spreading. The following steps are what you can expect:

We will provide you with a local anaesthetic to numb the pain.

An opening will be made through the tooth crown to the dentist can clean the tooth root.
The infected root tissue is removed and the root canal will be disinfected.
A specialised material will be used to fill and protect the root from further damage.
The tooth may be covered with an inlay, onlay or crown; your dentist will discuss your unique situation with you.

If you do require a dental crown, you may be given a temporary crown until the permanent prosthesis is ready.

Root canal treatment is the best way to save your tooth and remove the pain and infection. Most patients are pleasantly surprised at how low-stress the process is, as they feel no pain and are greatly relieved after treatment.

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After undergoing endodontic therapy, the tooth and surrounding area may be tender and swollen for a day or two. This is very normal and results from physically removing the infection and cleaning the damaged root. Once the infection is cleared, the remaining tissue can then heal. You may be provided with antibiotics and a pain reliever to ensure the infection is cleared and you are comfortable.

Most patients find the only pain reliever they require is over-the-counter medications if any at all. You will be provided with customised instructions, but the following are some common guidelines to follow after root canal treatment:

Brush your teeth at least twice each day, taking extra care around the treated tooth.
Floss according to your dentist’s instructions.
Take antibiotics as instructed.
Gently rinse your mouth and teeth with warm salt water, if needed.
Avoid eating immediately after the treatment.
Avoid hard or crunchy foods for a day or two after treatment, to allow your tooth time to fully heal.

Call us right away if you experience hyper-sensitivity of the tooth or if your dental filling or crown feel uncomfortable.

Maintain any follow-up visits with the dentist to ensure your tooth is properly healing.


Risks of Root Canal Treatment

Any medical procedure comes with small risks, including root canal treatment. However, nearly all endodontic therapy procedures are completely successful, with only rare problems. These may include infected tissue that was hidden in the root or an improperly sealed tooth. Our skilled and experienced staff and dentists at Carina Gardens Dental take all precautions with our treatments to ensure any risk of complications is as low as possible.

a journey to your healthy smile

Call Today to Schedule Your Visit

Call Today To Schedule Your Visit In Carina, Brisbane, Carina Gardens Dental

a journey to your healthy smile

Call Today to Schedule Your Visit

If you are experiencing a toothache and need relief, call us right away and schedule a dental exam. We will find the source of pain and treat it to bring you relief as quickly as possible. If you don’t have tooth pain, call and schedule a visit for a dental exam and professional teeth cleaning because prevention is still the best dental solution.

Disclaimer: The material posted is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Results vary with each patient. Any dental procedure carries risks and benefits. If you have any specific questions about any dental and/or medical matter, you should consult your dentist, physician or other professional healthcare providers.

Call Today To Schedule Your Visit In Carina, Brisbane, Carina Gardens Dental

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